Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Rocky Balbo Inspiring Speech
The kind of words we need to hear at times when we are down and need to be lifted up by people that care. The truth is - we need to know how to lift ourselves up - because we might be down sometime and nobody else is around to do it. In fact - we need to learn to be like a Rocky - the one that inspires. Inspiring others on purpose automatically gets us back up! Go Forth and WIN!!!
A Randomized Clinical Trial Comparing Medication, Acupuncture, and Spinal Manipulation.

Giles and Muller: Chronic Spinal Pain: A Randomized Clinical Trial Comparing Medication, Acupuncture, and Spinal Manipulation. Spine July 15, 2003; 28(14):1490-1503
Objective: To compare medication, needle acupuncture, and spinal manipulation for managing chronic spinal pain.
Design: RCT, 115 patients, public hospitals multidisciplinary spinal pain unit. Evaluated at 2, 5, and 9 weeks. Manipulation performed by DCs with 18 adjustments or less. Drugs used; Celebrex, Vioxx, paracetamol. Average duration of spine pain was 8.3 years for the manipulation group.
Results: The highest proportion of early (asymptomatic status) recovery was
found for manipulation (27.3%), followed by acupuncture (9.4%) and medication (5%).
Conclusions: The consistency of the results provides evidence that in patients with chronic spinal pain, manipulation, if not contraindicated, results in greater short-term improvement than acupuncture or medication.
Points of interest:
1. It is impossible to reach specific diagnosis for the pathologic cause for 85% of those with an episode of spinal pain.
2. Patients with low back pain do exhibit abnormal spinal motion.
3. There is insufficient evidence for the use of NSAIDs to manage chronic low back pain.
4. The new COX-2 nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAIDs) drugs have problems and significant contraindications.
5. Gastrointestinal toxicity induced by NSAIDs is one of the most common serious adverse drug events in the industrialized world.
6. In this study, in the medication group, more patients experienced adverse events (6.1%) than recovered from their spinal complaints (5%).
7. Even though the chiropractic treatment group was the most chronic (8.3 years), 27.3% recovered with 18 spinal adjustments over a period of 9 weeks, or less. This means that better than every fourth patient became asymptomatic with 9 weeks or less of chiropractic manipulation, even though they had been chronic for more than 8 years.
8. The chiropractic group showed significantly greater improvement in subjective complaints, functional abilities, objective range of spinal motion, and in general health status than acupuncture and medication.
9. In this study, patient involvement in litigation did not influence the outcome measures.
10. In the treatment of chronic spinal pain, chiropractic manipulation is superior to acupuncture and medication.
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
The Fellow that Blows His Horn The Most Might Be in the Biggest Fog!
Speaking of self promotion - the reason I do it is because I am helpin glots of people when I tell people about what I do.
So, even though I am trying not to catch myself in a fog - I suppose we all find ourselves there at one point or another. Sometimes we just drift along and find ourself daydreaming - not being productive. Thinking of the future - thinking of the past - - it can ALL get a bit foggy!
Speaking of foggy and of the past - does any body remember THIS group?
Friday, November 21, 2008
Do NOT mess with the Moms
I sure got a chuckle out ot this. The makers of Motrin just did not seem to connect to the Moms in the world with this one. There was such as backlash from this ONLINE ad that it caused Motrin to pull the ad after only four days. You should see the posting on you-tube from the VERY upset Moms. The power of the Mothers in this country is enormous. This just shows how much people at paying attention to the online social media. Are you on Facebook or Myspace or LinkedIn? wow THOUSANDS of people are. Go to my website at and join me on those networks. I just started a facebook Business page - yeah - I am a little slow but I am getting there.
Look at just one of the responses below to the Motrin ad - Hey - I want to be on the right side of mothers in America.
And I am all for "baby wearing". We used to just call them a baby sling - but I am catching on. Anyway - I just know this - if the Mother or the baby has any pains - instead of covering them up with pain medication - we think that they would do better with a little care from our office. - No side effects and all natural!!! Keep Smiling!!
Dr. Rob
Friday, October 17, 2008
A Weak Bond Moment
Really - what is there to say about this? I have the best service week so far this year in my practice. Helping alot of people and having a blast doing it!!!!!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Spinal Manipulation in the Treatment of Low-Back Pain. Can. Fam. Physician Vol. 31: March 1985

Kirkaldy-Willis et al. Spinal Manipulation in the Treatment of Low-Back Pain. Can. Fam. Physician Vol. 31: March 1985
Summary: Spinal manipulation, one of the oldest forms of therapy for back pain, has mostly been practiced outside of the medical profession. Over the past decade, there has been an escalation of clinical and basic science research on manipulative therapy, which has shown that there is a scientific basis for the treatment of back pain by manipulation.
Most family practitioners have neither the time nor inclination to master the art of manipulation and will wish to refer their patients to a skilled practitioner of this therapy. Results of spinal manipulation in 283 patients with low back pain are presented. The physician who makes use of this resource will provide relief for many patients.
Points of Interest:
*80% of the adult population will experience LBP during their adult life.
*At any given time 20-30% of adults suffer from LBP.
*In industry, disorders of the LB account for 4 hours/yr/worker of lost time.
*LBP is second only to upper respiratory infections as cause for absenteeism.
*Patients with LBP represent a major segment of the chronically disabled.
*Estimates for the cost of tx and compensation in US exceed $14 billion annually.
*Less than 10% of LBP is due to herniation or the IVD or entrapment of spinal nerves. Most LBP is mechanical in nature.
*Spinal manipulation is essentially an assisted passive motion applied to the spinal apophyseal and sacroiliac joints.
*Three ranges of motion exist in the spine: active motion, passive motion, and paraphysiological motion.
*Only manipulation spans all three ranges of motion.
*Since 1952 there have been over 50 clinical trials of spinal manipulation for back pain.
Thursday, September 04, 2008
The Man with a Burning Dream Gets the Chance.
This is fast becoming one of my most favorite clips of all time. A man that has had a dream....his whole life.... believing he was born to do a specific thing.... and one day - the opportunity arises... it takes an enormous amount of courage to attempt this - but he is prepared - practicing outright and in his mind for years.
How many of us - have a dream we have not yet acted upon. Is this the time in your life to make the move....? If not - wht not? I have to admit to you - I cry everytime I see this - it does not matter how many times. I am inspired to action after seeing it. How about you? Let me know what you think.
Dr Rob
Monday, August 18, 2008
Be Inspired!!!

"If you hear a voice within you say ‘you cannot paint,’ then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced."
"If you hear a voice within you say ‘you cannot succeed,’ then by all means succeed, and that voice will be silenced."
Sunday, August 10, 2008
I was sitting out on my deck early in the morning having a cup of coffee while watching an early morning fire in my chiminea. I noticed how quickly the wood burns and how hot it is with small and medium size pieces. Of course, a larger one will burn more slowly and with less heat. I had a thought...
A life lived fast and quickly can be exciting and almost immediately affect those close - but the flash in a pan lifestyle can often only inspire people for short times. And - to maintain that system requires much energy and resources. However, a steady slow, consistant light/fire/life provides a reliable, more long lasting, more predicable results. Life is a choice .
Dr. Rob
Monday, August 04, 2008
He Just wants to help me and be with me.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Steve Jobs Comencement Address At Stanford University
What a great talk. Steve Job's commencement address at Stanford University. Great thoughts from a great man.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Being Very Thankful - A Healthy Move
Being thankful in all situations is a very healthy thing to do. I believe God always hears whatever we are thankful for.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Posting my Thoughts from anywhere
More Bubbles Dad
This came from my phone.
What I am learning here will come in handy in one of my businesses or one of my projects.
My Father and me.
This is my Father and me. I am a bit of a nut for the use of technology. This picture was taken on my phone and I was able to post it right from my phone to this blog. Amazing stuff!!!
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Yes Chiropractic Care is Very Safe!!!
From time to time, there is discusssion about the saftey of chiripractic care. I have been in practice for 28 years and I have never had a patient experience a stroke in my office. Many time people just repeat what they hear - and what they hear is not the truth. This video looks at the literature concerning the safety of chiropractic and the fact that there is NO increase risk of stroke with a cervical adjustment. The risk could be that you may eliminate your pain and get rid of your headaches.
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
Did You Know 2.0
Anytime a video has been seen almost 2 Million times - it might be time to take a look at it. I found this information fascinating. A set of facts - what to we do - now that WE KNOW?
An official update to the original "Shift Happens" video from Karl Fisch and Scott McLeod, this June 2007 update includes new and updated statistics, thought-provoking questions and a fresh design. For more information, or to join the conversation, please visit -- Content by Karl Fisch and Scott McLeod, design and development by XPLANE.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Presto Checks - Great Software - Check by Phone
I am really excited about this software. It was created out of the real need to have an "autodebit" type software here in my office. Cathy my office manager and partner in the prestochecks company wrote this program. I did not like the options of paying someone else a fee everytime we took a payment form some of the other types of autodebit systems - even using a credit card - we still had to pay fees for each transaction. With Presto Checks you have a one time fee for the software and that is it. A business person's dream software. You will love the software if you have a business and woould like to take a payment over the phone, fax or internet. try it out for free at
Dr. Rob Sheely
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Health Concern: Mercury Fillings!!!
A single dental amalgam filling releases as much as 15 micrograms of mercury per day. The average individual has eight amalgam fillings and could absorb up to 120 micrograms of mercury per day. In contrast, eating mercury-tainted seafood will expose you to about 2.3 micrograms per day.
Mercury vapor from the amalgams passes readily through cell membranes, across the blood brain barrier, and into the central nervous system, where it causes psychological, neurological, and immunological problems. Mercury can persist in your body for years unless it is actively removed.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Wow - Very well said - hard to argue with!
As a Chiropractic doctor - I have taught for years that one of the five main ingrediants to a healthy body is what you eat. I actually remember the term - "health food nut" - you sure do not hear that any more - " fast food junkie" has rightly replaced it.
Health - REAL health is our own individuals responsibility. The inforamation is now readily available. It is VERy easy to get here in our office. So - Who wants to live longer and healthier? Raise you hands..... and do the healthy thing.
Monday, June 09, 2008
Roy Hensley has a story to tell. Chiropractic care has changed his life and he seems to transform right before your eyes in this video. Never done before - I asked permission to video him on his first visit because he had had such a significant problem. Listen to his story and watch him change after only two visit to my office.
Dr. Robert B. Sheely
Floridation of Water - Time to question Why!!!??
Sometimes we do things - just because it is the way it has always been done. It appears that we need to take a fresh look at the real evidence supporting floridation of water to make a current determination of the righ choice.
Dr. Robert B. Sheely
Monday, April 28, 2008
Salt Water Burns!!!!
Wow - This is simply amazing..... so boats on the sea will eventually run forever???
Saturday, April 19, 2008
The Chiropractic Experience of Emily Benson
Another life changing story of how Chiropractic Care is helping people everyday in my office.
Dr. Rob Sheely
Montel WIlliams and Chiropractic Care
Chiropractic just works. It is the PRINICIPLE of chiropractic. It is truly a life principle. When things are in balance, the body just functions better. The only way that you can tell you if you can be helped is through a consultation and and examination by your chiropractor. What have you be waiting for?
Dr. Rob Sheely
Chiropractic and High Blood Pressure.
After 28 years in practice, I have had hundreds of patients experience a reduction in their blood pressure. Although the study indicated a specific type of treatment with the research protocol. In daily practice I have seen it happen very frequently. Only proper examination can indicate which patient could benefit. The examination is, by the way much more than just an x-ray as indicated by Tim Johnson. The Chiropractic Doctor IS the one you go to first for a Chiropractic Examination - MOST medical doctors are not trained to determine if a chiropractor can help you. However, I work with some very smart medical doctors that DO refer frequently to me and DO understand which patients can be helped by my services.
Friday, April 18, 2008
The Chiropractic Experience of Mr. James Gross Sr.
This is one of the many stories of a changed life through a benefits of Chiropractic care in my office. If we think we can help you, we will tell you. If we do not think we can help you, we will tell you and refer you to someone we think can.
Dr. Rob Sheely
Monday, April 14, 2008
Batman and Robin - Great Wisdom
Some people remember the Public Service Announcements of the past - how abou this 1970's one form Batman and Robin cartoons. Still has the best advice. just listen.
Symptoms are not the First thing they are the LAST thing!!!!
This is a very interesting truth. We are so conditioned to believe that we are just starting to get sick when we first start to feel symptoms. Not so. By the time you feel a symptom - (unless you just had and accident of course) - you are already sick or at least well into a decreased immune system response. Listen to this short video and see how the body really works. It knows what it is doing.
Dr Sheely
Monday, March 03, 2008
Stopping Time
This is one of the coolest videos I have ever seen. I love the teamwork. What great cool thing. Did it change the world? nah.... Did it make a major difference in somebody's life? nah... Does it make you think if 200 people got together and did some great things for a family or a community for a week.... would that change a life or a community? Absolutlely!
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Technology is Changing Health Care Right Now!
This is fascinating to me. I have found that technology has helped me save time and money in my practice and clearly it helps provide better more detailed care to my patients. If you are a patient you should be getting my e-mail newsletter every two to four weeks. I use it to keep you informed about what it happening in my office and new services that you can look forward to.
Of course you are more than welcome and encouraged to sign-up for my practice newsletter if you are not getting it. Just send me an e-mail and we wil get you added. Technology in health care is something I am very interested in as I also own a website company that specializes in business websites. We just released a new business software (Cathy, my amazing office manager and I wrote it) that allows any business to take payments for their products or services by phone, by fax, or by e-mail/web. Any business should download the free full fuction software to see if they like reducing their credit card fees to zero!!!
Sunday, January 06, 2008
Dr. Sheely Breaks Leg and keeps on Adjusting!
I was able to try out the new Atrium Medical Center!
Here I am at the New Atrium Medical Center sending a picture of x-rays showing my broken leg to my family. The Atrium has high speed wireless Internet connection and I was able to inform my Dad, brothers and sisters before they could get me set up with a temporary cast.
I have to say that everyone there was very professional and was very nice to me. They took very good care of me. I have used Middletown Hospital as one of the facilities that I send my patient to for diagnostic testing. I believe the Atrium will be a wonderful place to send my patients for X-rays, Cat Scans, MRIs, Bloodwork and other outside testing that I require to take care of my patients.
For the first week and a half after I broke my leg, I had a temporary cast on until the swelling went down. On December 28th, 2007 I had a permanent cast put on. Healing time varies - but I plan to heal as fast or faster than anyone. I am still able to see patients just fine. I balance on a walker while I adjust. We have rearranged it so that patients come into one room to see me rather than me going into different rooms. It is certainly more efficient that way.
I figured that I could be at home resting or at the office taking take of patients - taking care of patients seemed a lot more fun to me. So I was back seeing patients on Tuesday after I broke my leg on Sunday. And no - I am not putting any pressure on it. Yes I am taking supplements to help me heal. I am getting plenty of rest. I am getting adjusted myself! And I am even using an electronic bone stimulator that is supposed to heal the bone in about one-third of the time.