Monday, June 30, 2008

Presto Checks - Great Software - Check by Phone

I am really excited about this software. It was created out of the real need to have an "autodebit" type software here in my office. Cathy my office manager and partner in the prestochecks company wrote this program. I did not like the options of paying someone else a fee everytime we took a payment form some of the other types of autodebit systems - even using a credit card - we still had to pay fees for each transaction. With Presto Checks you have a one time fee for the software and that is it. A business person's dream software. You will love the software if you have a business and woould like to take a payment over the phone, fax or internet. try it out for free at

Dr. Rob Sheely

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Health Concern: Mercury Fillings!!!

A single dental amalgam filling releases as much as 15 micrograms of mercury per day. The average individual has eight amalgam fillings and could absorb up to 120 micrograms of mercury per day. In contrast, eating mercury-tainted seafood will expose you to about 2.3 micrograms per day.

Mercury vapor from the amalgams passes readily through cell membranes, across the blood brain barrier, and into the central nervous system, where it causes psychological, neurological, and immunological problems. Mercury can persist in your body for years unless it is actively removed.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Wow - Very well said - hard to argue with!

As a Chiropractic doctor - I have taught for years that one of the five main ingrediants to a healthy body is what you eat. I actually remember the term - "health food nut" - you sure do not hear that any more - " fast food junkie" has rightly replaced it.

Health - REAL health is our own individuals responsibility. The inforamation is now readily available. It is VERy easy to get here in our office. So - Who wants to live longer and healthier? Raise you hands..... and do the healthy thing.

Monday, June 09, 2008

Roy Hensley has a story to tell. Chiropractic care has changed his life and he seems to transform right before your eyes in this video. Never done before - I asked permission to video him on his first visit because he had had such a significant problem. Listen to his story and watch him change after only two visit to my office.

Dr. Robert B. Sheely

Floridation of Water - Time to question Why!!!??

Sometimes we do things - just because it is the way it has always been done. It appears that we need to take a fresh look at the real evidence supporting floridation of water to make a current determination of the righ choice.

Dr. Robert B. Sheely