Wednesday, October 30, 2013

How Yoga Changes Your Body, Starting The Day...

Has to be good for you !!!!

How Yoga Changes Your Body, Starting The Day...

The Eastern practice of yoga has become a modern-day symbol of peace, serenity and well-being in the West. More than 20 million Americans practice yoga, according to the 2012 Yoga in America study , with practitioners spending more than $10 billion a year on yoga-related products and classes. The mind-body practice is frequently touted for its ability to reduce stress and boost well-being, but it also offers wide-ranging physical health benefits that rival other forms of exercise....Read More

Did you know?

Cover up the pain or correct the cause? Your call.

Did you know?

Did you know, in patients suffering from chronic pain subsequent to degenerative spinal disease, 59% can eliminate the need for pain drugs by consuming adequate levels of Omega-3 essential fatty acids? (Surgical Neurology, 2006)

Be the best

No one can be a better you - than YOU!!!

Be the best

The best way to start is to have a nervous system free of interference!!!!

It's all just practice for what comes next...

So they do not make videos about people that give up.....we do not need videos for that we see them everyday

It's all just practice for what comes next...


Natural Remedies for Attention Deficit and...

Do they have to take drugs? No they do not.

Natural Remedies for Attention Deficit and...

Simply taking drugs does not get to the source of the problem. Though they can be helpful, there are many other solutions to implement first that are helpful.

12 Worst Endocrine Disruptors Revealed By...

The 12 worst Endocrine Disrupters - find out!

12 Worst Endocrine Disruptors Revealed By...

By: Rachael Rettner Published: 10/28/2013 01:09 PM EDT on LiveScience An environmental health advocacy organization has released a list of what it says are the 12 worst hormone-disrupting chemicals. These chemicals, known as endocrine disruptors , interfere with the actions of hormones in the human body in some way -- for instance, by imitating natural hormones, or increasing or decreasing hormone production, according to Environmental Working Group (EWG), the organization that...Read More

13 Amazing Uses For Baking Soda You Should Know

The Amazing Baking Soda Story

13 Amazing Uses For Baking Soda You Should Know

Baking soda is one of the many household goods that is always lying around, yet we barely get any use out of it. (Cleaning and baking aren't exactly high on our list of priorities these days.) But ever since Emma Stone told French Elle that she exfoliates her skin with the powdery white stuff, we've started digging deeper into different ways to add baking soda to our beauty routine. So, we put a call-out on Twitter and Instagram asking our followers to share their best baking soda...Read More

Healthy Treats Without Tricking Your Body

Trick or Treat....think about it?

Healthy Treats Without Tricking Your Body

Halloween may not seem like it counts as part of the official holiday season, but this first fall event really does mark the beginning of a very busy, intensely social, and calorie-laden few months that we dread for our bodies and crave for our spirits. But you really don't have to completely derail: There are so many ways to enjoy these festive periods without losing too much ground. Halloween marks the time of year when we can all dress up to be anything we want. My father is an...Read More

The spine and nervous system are connected to...

If it connects, it is supposed to communicate. If it does not communicate things start going wrong.

The spine and nervous system are connected to...

The spine and nervous system are connected to every aspect of our health and wellness.

Foods that will Destroy your Brain

Sucralose kills 50% of our protective intestinal bacteria and leads to toxicity in our bodies.

Foods that will Destroy your Brain

Sucralose is the ingredient found in the artificial sweetener Splenda. Sucralose kills 50% of our protective intestinal bacteria and leads to toxicity in our bodies. Sucralose damages the hippocampus in our brains which is responsible for storing memories. Sucralose is found in most diet, sugar free or lite products. It is found in food people assume to be health foods like lite yogurt and protein shakes. Sucralose is also found in a variety of non food products including cough medicine, toothpaste and most chewing gum.

Heavy purses and bags can hurt you

Be conscious of your posture when carrying anything.

Heavy purses and bags can hurt you


Wellness is a team effort

Choose Chiropractic to lead your wellness revolution

Wellness is a team effort


Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Energy flows where attention goes

We're either born to be well ar we were born to be sick - which do you think it is? We can help with our choices.

Energy flows where attention goes

Chiropractors understand that within each of us is an innate wisdom or healthy energy that will express itself as perfect health and well-being if we allow it to.

Live a life that promotes wellness

Early detection and live saving drugs in crisis situation are wonderful - but more wonderful is prevention.

Live a life that promotes wellness

We have focused far too much attention on exciting new drugs and therapies in the belief that they will lead to better health. But they have not. In fact, they have only served to divert our attention away from the very thing that can help us avoid developing most disease in the first place: living a lifestyle that promotes wellness. #chiropractic

Good habits

Habites will create your future life - good habits ...good direction - bad habits - bad direction.

Good habits

Good habits are as addictive as bad habits and a lot more rewarding. #chiropractic 

Are you sitting pretty?

If you have to sit - you might as well do it right!!!

Are you sitting pretty?

Working at a computer can really cause a lot of distress if your desk is not set up properly. 

Water rich foods will fill up your stomach

Since our bodies are made up of 79% water - it just makes sense to replenish it.

Water rich foods will fill up your stomach

Water rich foods will fill up your stomach thereby making you less apt to eat more than you should. 

Click to share

Share if chiropractic has been good to you!!!

Click to share

Help us spread the word. Like and Share if we've got your back! # Chiropractic    

Get turned on with chiropractic

If the energy is not flowing.... the light do not work right... better to check the fuse box instead of the bulb

Get turned on with chiropractic

Get turned on with chiropractic! 

Avoid anything needing translation.

If it seems like there is too many chemicals on the label..... there probably is.

Avoid anything needing translation.

Avoid anything needing translation. Shop the parameter of the store, or your local farmer's market.

Life is GREAT!

Repeat after me....LIFE IS GREAT!!! Say it again!!! Now when it feels like it is not... Say it again!

Life is GREAT!

We are committed to helping you live your GREATEST life!  

The groundwork for all happiness is health

Wealth without health is not happiness.

The groundwork for all happiness is health

"The first wealth is health." Ralph Waldo Emerson #chiropractic

Local fruits and vegetables are more nutritious

Just like local honey is better for you - so are local fruits and vegetables

Local fruits and vegetables are more nutritious

Did you know that locally grown fruits and veggies have more nutrients because they are picked at their peak and are transported shorter distances to get to your plate? #chiropractic

Don't wait until you're in pain before going to...

Symptoms: The last thing to show up when you are sick and the 1st thing to go away when you start to get better

Don't wait until you're in pain before going to...

You must take care of yourself on a regular basis to remain healthy. Chiropractors offer adjustments to improve spinal alignment and overall well-being before symptoms develop. #chiropractic

Tips for drinking more water

How to drink more water!!!

Tips for drinking more water

Check out these great tips for increasing your water consumption: 

More fruits and veggies for better health

More of this food prevents cancer.

More fruits and veggies for better health

This is a great reason to cut down on snack foods and increase your fruit and vegetable intake. #chiropractic

Your Spine = Your Wellness

The spine and nervous system are connected to every aspect of our health and wellness.

Your Spine = Your Wellness

The spine and nervous system are interrelated and connected to every aspect of our expression of health and wellness.

Monday, October 28, 2013

What's your point of view?

Good Health allows you to do things that others can not for a much longer period of time

What's your point of view?

Good health is so much more than the absence of disease!

Get Sweaty

Get Sweaty!!!

Get Sweaty

Monday's can be quite stressful. Start your week off with a good workout to lower your stress levels.

Pinched Nerve and Your Health

Pinched Nerve?

Pinched Nerve and Your Health

W henever a nerve becomes irritated, the body cannot function correctly.

Drink Up!

Drink Up!!!

Drink Up!

Drinking enough water every day is one of the most overlooked but simplest ways of keeping healthy.

Walk for Health

Yes this makes sense!!!

Walk for Health

In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks. ~John Muir

Perfect Position

Master the Squat!!!

Perfect Position

If you want to master the squat, you should take notes from this expert!

How To Curb That Craving

Bust Cravings!

How To Curb That Craving

With the days getting shorter, cravings can really kick in this time of year. Here's some tips to bust them -

Listen To Your Mother

Mom's Know Best!!!

Listen To Your Mother

This includes STANDING UP STRAIGHT, just like your mother told you to!

Invest In Your Health

Time and Health are desired more than Wealth

Invest In Your Health

You'll never regret investing the time to take care of your health!

Create Healthy New Habits

More of the right stuff

Create Healthy New Habits

Dieting doesn't need to be about restrictions. Focus on creating healthy habits to support your health.

All The Pieces Work Together

Are you in pieces?

All The Pieces Work Together

You really can't have wellness without all the pieces to this puzzle.

The power comes from within!

An ounce of prevention....

The power comes from within!

It's better to grow healthy kids than to fix injured adults. Give your kids the power to heal!

3 C's

So, make the choice to take a chance. Choose Chiropractic and change your life!

3 C's

So, make the choice to take a chance. Choose Chiropractic and change your life!

Eat, move and feel well

Eating and moving and feeling well just makes sense

Eat, move and feel well


What's In Your Soda?

When you're aware of the effects of soda, the clear beverage of choice is water!

What's In Your Soda?

When you're aware of the effects of soda, the clear beverage of choice is water!

Exercise Your Body And Your Brain

Exercise hard - Be Smart!

Exercise Your Body And Your Brain

Most of us appreciate the importance of physical exercise, but it's also important to keep your brain engaged. Click on the link for a great list of brain exercises:


Is the juice worth the squeeze? YES!


The human brain is a sophisticated input/output device similar to today's computers. Whereas your laptop plugs into the wall to get it's juice, your brain relies on energy created by transduction reactions of your muscle and joint receptors (Primarily in the spine) with gravity, since gravity is the only input that is constant. What would happen to your laptop if all of a sudden you reduced the amount of juice coming in? What happens to brain function when the spine is not moving properly? Think about it...

You've Got The Power

We were really made to be well - our choices can make the difference.

You've Got The Power

Release your natural power with chiropractic!

The Importance of Infant Adjustments

It so much fun adjusting children - they get well much faster than adults!!!

The Importance of Infant Adjustments


Chiropractic care releases pressure on nervous...

A great way to reduce stress on your body

Chiropractic care releases pressure on nervous...

Subluxations or misalignments of the spine stress the communication between your brain and body.   Chiropractic adjustments realign the spine, releasing the stress on your nervous system. 

Brilliant Body

Be Brilliant!!

Brilliant Body

Make sure your body stays brilliant!  Keep the power flowing with chiropractic!

A Chiropractic Miracle

I love stories this - a little one that gets well affects so many people.

A Chiropractic Miracle


Grow Healthy Kids

We have been able o help thousands of children - their teeth need to be checked and so does their spines.

Grow Healthy Kids

Keep your child subluxation free with chiropractic!


Get the facts the labels of what goes into your body.


Sucralose:  the ingredient found in the artificial sweetener Splenda.  Sucralose kills 50% of our protective intestinal bacteria and leads to toxicity in our bodies.  Sucralose also damages the hippocampus in our brains which is responsible for storing memories.  Surcalose is found in most diet, sugar free or lite products.  It is found in foods people assume to be health foods like lite yogurts and protein shakes.  Sucralose is also found in a variety of non food products including cough medicine, toothpaste and most chewing gum.