Friday, January 17, 2014

No More Pain in the Neck

Pain in the neck develop in our techno driven world. Chiropractic can help with that!

No More Pain in the Neck

It's easy to develop pain in the neck in our techno driven world. Chiropractic can help you with that!

Take Charge

Instead of just reacting to illness, take responsibility for your wellness.

Take Charge

Instead of just reacting to illness, take responsibility for your wellness. We can help you create a healthy lifestyle.

What causes radiating pain?

Leg pain is NOT normal!!!

What causes radiating pain?

Radicular pain, or radiating pain, is caused by interference or pinching of the spinal nerves. This results in pain, tingling, or numbness in parts of your body far from the actual source of the problem. If your spine is injured, there are a number of things that can affect the nerves and cause pain. Injured ligaments and muscles can cause inflammation of the nerve root, which can disrupt the function of the nerve. If a spinal disk is damaged, it can cause the disk to bulge or herniate, pinching the nerve. And if the spinal joints begin to calcify, it can cause spinal stenosis, or a narrowing of the canal that the spinal nerves pass through. All this can lead to a number of conditions such as sciatica, carpal tunnel syndrome,...Read More

Are You Expecting?

Are you or someone you know expecting? Please share !

Are You Expecting?

Are you or someone you know expecting? Please share if they could use any or all of these benefits!

12 Reasons Why Chiropractic is Best for Back Pain

12 Reasons Why Chiropractic is Best for Back Pain

Chiropractic is a great way to naturally and safely improve your health. Over the last few years, many studies have been published in the medical literature have shown that chiropractic is the best choice for patients who suffer from acute or chronic back pain: 1. The AMA Recommends Chiropractic Before Surgery Surgery always carries risk and should be avoided, if possible. This landmark article from the JAMA  says that patients should try chiropractic before resorting to surgical intervention. 2. Chiropractic Helps You Avoid Surgery, Too! This study from the journal Spine  found that patients who used chiropractors were less likely to have surgery for their back pain. 3. Chiropractic is Better than Drugs ...Read More

Pregnant women find back-pain relief with...

Pregnant women find back-pain relief with...

Many women experience lower back pain while pregnant. In fact, studies show that more than half of pregnant women report back pain at some point during their pregnancy. A recent study found that for many women, pregnancy is the first time they have experienced back pain. The authors state, “The incidence of low back pain with an onset during pregnancy has been reported to be 61%. It has been shown that among women with low back pain of pregnancy, 75% reported no low back pain before pregnancy. In a study of women with chronic low back pain, up to 28% stated that their first episode of back pain occurred during a pregnancy.” Chiropractic treatments may be beneficial for women who experience back pain during pregnancy....Read More

Make Time For Health

"...You may later find time for find time for illness." Edward Stanley

Make Time For Health

"Those who think they have no time for exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness." Edward Stanley

Chiropractic Offers Holistic Approach to Carpal...

Chiropractic Offers Holistic Approach to Carpal...

Many patients with chronic carpal tunnel syndrome are told they need surgery to relieve the pain. While surgical interventions aim to relieve pressure on the irritated median nerve, the treatment may be too narrow in scope for some patients. Case in point: nearly a third of patients who receive surgery for carpal tunnel report a return in symptoms within two years of surgery. 1 Recent research suggests there’s more to carpal tunnel than wrist and arm pain: CTS could be related to problems in the neck. A recent  study  from  Journal of Orthopaedic and Physical Therapy  assessed the cervical range of motion in 71 women with carpal tunnel syndrome. Compared to women without CTS, women with carpal tunnel had...Read More

Chiropractic Reduces Health Care Costs

Chiropractic Reduces Health Care Costs

Recent data suggests that expanding insurance coverage of alternative therapies like chiropractic could drive down overall health-care costs. A new study, published in the January 2013 issue of  Health Affairs,  provides further information into expenditure patterns and utilization of complementary alternative medicine (CAM). Since chiropractic is the predominant source of CAM utilization, the study sheds light on how chiropractic can contribute to patient savings. According to the  study , between 2002 and 2008 the use and spending on CAM services, which had previously been rising, largely plateaued. This suggests that “Any attempt to reduce national health care spending by eliminating coverage for complementary...Read More

Chiropractic Plus Exercise Eases Cervicogenic...

Chiropractic Plus Exercise Eases Cervicogenic...

Many headaches arise from cervical musculoskeletal disorders. Often, conservative therapies are recommended as the first treatment for cervicogenic headache, but it was previously unclear which treatments were the most effective. Should patients be prescribed a set of exercises and physical therapy sessions, chiropractic adjustments, or both? Will one lead to better outcomes? A 2002  study  sought to answer these questions by examining the effectiveness of a combination treatment involving both chiropractic adjustments and an exercise program. Two-hundred participants with chronic, moderate intensity cervicogenic headaches were assigned to one of four groups: spinal adjustments, exercise therapy, combined therapy, and a...Read More

Have a happy, healthy weekend!

Have a happy, healthy weekend!

#Rest #WeekendWarrior

The Benefits of Morning Exercise

​Exercising in the morning has been shown to boost your metabolism all day long.

The Benefits of Morning Exercise

Exercising in the morning has been shown to boost your metabolism all day long.

What Are You Made Of?

You literally ARE what you eat. Fuel your body with healthy foods!

What Are You Made Of?

You literally ARE what you eat. What a great incentive to fuel your body with healthy foods!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Chiropractic for Health

The spine and nervous system are related to every aspect of your health.

Chiropractic for Health

The spine and nervous system are related to every aspect of your health.

Thursday, January 09, 2014

Eat The Rainbow: Yellow

Eat The Rainbow: Yellow

The nutrients in yellow veggies . . .







The nervous system controls and coordinates the...

The nervous system controls and coordinates the...


Enjoy Higher Levels of Health

Don't just alleviate symptoms. With chiropractic, true healing comes from within.

Enjoy Higher Levels of Health

Don't just alleviate symptoms. With chiropractic, true healing comes from within.

Nearly Half Of Americans Get Less Than...

Nearly Half Of Americans Get Less Than...

Two in five Americans don't get the recommended seven or more hours of sleep a night, according to a new Gallup report. Gallup researchers surveyed 1,031 U.S. adults and found that 59 percent of Americans reported getting seven or more hours of sleep in a typical night in 2013. This number has not changed dramatically since 1990 (when 57 percent of Americans said they got seven or more hours of sleep a night). However, the figure is a stark contrast to 1942, when 84 percent of...Read More

‘Life begins at the end of your comfort zone”...

‘Life begins at the end of your comfort zone”...

'Life begins at the end of your comfort zone" Neale Donald Walsch

Wake up! Support your LIFE, PLEASE do not...

Wake up! Support your LIFE, PLEASE do not...


Nature's Skittles

Nature's Skittles





Choose Chiropractic

​Do you know anyone who made a resolution for better health? Please share this with them!

Choose Chiropractic

Do you know anyone who made a resolution for better health? Please share this with them!

Be gentle with yourself ! ‪

Be gentle with yourself ! ‪

#stayinghealthy #stayingstrong

The Presence Practice

The Presence Practice

When you wake up in the morning, how do you typically feel? Do you look forward to a brand-new day or do you press the snooze button then stagger out of bed?

Now Is Not the Time to Diet

Now Is Not the Time to Diet

For most of us, it's day seven of the diet. You know, the big, life-changing one where you vow to quit sugar/drop three dress sizes/excavate your abdominals. This year will be different, you tell yourself. It has to be. And yet by the time February 1st rolls around, you've succumbed to the Mini Eggs, the two-for-one Pinot Grigio and the packet of Percy Pigs that were winking at you in the self-service queue at M S. But here's a thought. Don't diet. Not now. January is...Read More

Top 10 Chiropractic Studies of 2013

Top 10 Chiropractic Studies of 2013

Here are the top 10 chiropractic research studies of 2013. 1.  Immediate Benefits of Chiropractic Visible on MRI:   For the first time, researchers used MRI to document changes in spinal gapping immediately after a chiropractic adjustment.  2.  AMA Recommends Chiropractic Before Resorting to Surgery:   The  Journal of the American Medical Association  released new guidelines for back pain treatment that encouraged patients to seek chiropractic and physical therapy before resorting to surgery. 3.  Chiropractic as Effective as Epidural Injections for Lumbar Disc Herniation:   Patients with lumbar disc herniation were randomly assigned to receive either nerve root  injections or...Read More