Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Spinal Health Care Class

Last night, I had one of my spinal health care classes. I talked about the importance of great spinal care - but just as important - I talked about the "Other" four areas that create health in our bodies. I talked about the "Health Care System" and how it really is the "Dis-ease Care System". No disrepect intended toward my other professioanl colleagues in the health care community. The system IS what the system is. I TOO work in the dis-ease care system as long a I am working on a treatment plan that has to do with monitoring symptoms and trying to reduce or elimiante them.

Ah - But - Real Health Care - This is the type of care that works with people that are not trying to chase down - or cover-up the symptoms they present with. This system deals with trying to correct the undelying problem CAUSING the symptom. This is the system that deals with maximizing our HEALTH. Ultimately - doing the things that healthy people do.

Things like: exercising, eating right, drinking water, sleeping right, and maintining positive expectant attitudes. Beliving in the the better future of our lives. Believe so much that we actually take action about planning for a better healthier way of life.

Doing things like buying some new running shoes - when you have not run in years - expecting to do it. Like signing up for a marathon in 8 months - when you have NEVER run more than 3 miles at one time in your life. Like - finally making an appointment to come and see me in my office to find out if chiropractic can help your problem that you have been taking pain medication for for the past 5 years. hmm.

Expect to get well. Come in and visit with me for a few minutes to see if I think I can help you.

Dr. Sheely

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