Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A Good Reason to See a Chiropractor First

Chiropractic Physicians very frequently deal with patients that have been hurt on the job. They focus on eliminating the cause of the pain and attempting to correct the source of the problem.  Chiropractic Physicians know that keeping a patient moving and active is the fastest road to recovery.  Total Bed Rest is Totally Bad Advice to be perfectly honest. Doctors of Chiropractic have been able to get their patients back to work faster than other methods, have higher satisfaction rates than other practitioners, love their life work more, and based on the above study - be in the category that produces the least amount of disability one year after beginning treatment.  Need a Great Chiropractic Physician?  Go to and look for a doctor that is a member of the American Chiropractic Association and their own state association or ask your medical doctor or your friends and family for a recommendation.. 

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